In rhetorical theory, the quaestiones (Latin: "questions") are the points being debated. Quaestiones is also the title of numerous literary works, including in chronological order: the Tusculanae Disputationes of Roman statesman Cicero, around 45 BC.
Grammaticae Quaestiones, Or, A Grammatical Examination by Question Only: For the Use of Schools, Particularly Those where the Eton Grammar is Taught : Humbly Offered to the Public as the Most Effectual Way of Laying a Solid Classical Foundation and Obviating the Many Inconveniences Arising from a Superficial Knowledge of the Grammar
Department of Entomology. Type. Journal Material. Published material. Publication info. Edmonton,Dept.
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WikiMatrix. Hae similitudines Dokumentet Oeconomicae et pecuniariae quaestiones presenterades i Heliga Stolens pressrum av kardinal Peter Kodwo Appiah Turkson, Quaestiones Aristoteleae II by Väinö Nordström( Book ) 2 editions published in 1892 in Latin and held by 3 WorldCat member libraries worldwide. Zeus-Helios De Syntaxi Andocidea Quaestiones (1877) · Johan August Eriksson. 22 Feb 2010.
The Quaestiones de ente of Peter Thomae, composed at Barcelona ca. 1325, is the longest medieval work devoted to the problem of being as well as the most
The publisher of "Quaestiones" is the Fundacja 'Centrum Badań Historycznych' with its seat at the Historical Institute of the University of Warsaw. Naturales quaestiones sunt opus Senecae, philosophi Romani, senectute iam premente scriptum.Dedicavit eas illi Lucilio Iuniori, cui etiam Epistulae morales et liber sive dialogus De providentia dicati sunt. Quaestiones Disputatae is a journal of philosophy inspired by the medieval dialectical form of the “disputed question:” a method of philosophical discussion Although Richard was the first to claim that he had discovered the original collection, from the time of Gretser all who had come across "Anastasian" quaestiones Quaestiones Mathematicae is devoted to research articles from a wide range of mathematical areas. Longer expository papers of exceptional quality are also Quaestiones, Roman tribunals of inquiry into crimes, later standing courts.
nasce così il favoloso mondo “Quaestiones” la prima community di studenti in Italia che raccoglie costantemente domande, appunti, riassunti, tesine, pagelle dei professori per supportarti nello studio e superare ogni esame della tua facoltà.
"Sed doctrinae quaestiones, ut liquet, manent atque, usque dum non enodentur, Fraternitas canonicum in Ecclesia statutum non habet et eius ministri nullum quaestiones. ă. ĕ. ĭ. ŏ.
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Quaestiones Disputatae is a journal of philosophy inspired by the medieval dialectical form of the “disputed question:” a method of philosophical discussion aimed at addressing the relevant issues of the time. Quaestiones. 1,999 likes · 2 talking about this. è il primo ed unico sito interamente dedicato alla raccolta, gestione e
Artium Quaestiones; ISSN: 0239-202X; Tidskrift. Lunds universitet Box 117, 221 00 LUND Telefon (växel): +46-46-222 00 00
2. The integral development of every person, of every human community, and of all people, is the ultimate horizon of the common good that the Church, as the “universal sacrament of salvation,” [1] seeks to advance.
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1 : a criminal inquisition or trial under Roman law. 2 quaestiones plural : the commissions for the trial of various offenses under Roman law or the proceedings before such … 522 Followers, 546 Following, 401 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from (@quaestiones) Ur västerländskt perspektiv kan quaestiones perpetuae betraktas som början på en lång tradition brottmålsdomstolar som inte etablerades ad hoc för enskilda fall, där folket genom juryn var representerat och som använde sig av en ackusatorisk process.
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Sobre la Providencia (Seneca) - Asociación Presencia Cristiana fuerza en los estoicos antiguos (en Crisipo, sobre todo), se insinúa tam- bién aquí, en el
Its editor-in -chief is Prof. Wojciech Fałkowski. Questiones is published by the Institute of Quaestiones is on Facebook.
att vattnet verkeligen tränger till lungorna , men anmärker derjemte , att undantag , ehuru högst sällan , kan äga rum , 7 1 ) Quaestiones Medico - legales .
(noun) Quaestiones Mathematicae is devoted to research articles from a wide range of mathematical areas. Longer expository papers of exceptional quality are also considered. Published in English, the journal receives contributions from authors around the globe and serves as an important reference source for anyone interested in mathematics. Ange som favorit. Göteborgs universitetsbibliotek, E-resurser (Gdix) Ange som favorit. Bibliotekets lokala katalog Find@GU.
Abbreviated: Quaest. entomol.